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Bordreuil, 2003, “Two Phoenician Inscriptions from Sidon”, AHL, 18, p. 70. —————2013 (forthcoming), “Tesson de céramique à inscription phénicienne”, BAAL. —————2014, (forthcoming), “Inscription sur assiette des fouilles de Sidon”, CRAI.
Briquel-Chatonnet, 2006, “The Name of Sidon”, AHL, 24, p. 2-3.
Chahoud & E. Vila, 2011-2012, “The Role of Animals in Ancient Sidon: An Overview of Ongoing Zooarchaeological Studies”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 259-284.
Chahoud, 2013, Diversité faunique, économie alimentaire et pratiques socioculturelles au Levant a l’Age du Bronze: une approche archéozoologique. Thèse de doctorat de l’université Lumière Lyon 2 et l’université Libanaise.
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—————2011-2012, “Sidon in the Time of St.Louis: Archaeological Discoveries of the 13th Century AD”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 415-432.
De-Moulins, 2009, “Sidon Grain from the Storerooms”, AHL, 29, p. 11-15.
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—————1999, “Introduction”, National Museum News, 10, p. 2-3. “Discoveries in Little Sidon”, National Museum News , 10, p. 29-39. “Discoveries around the Harbour”, NMN, 10, p. 4041.
—————2000, “Second Season of Excavation at Sidon: Preliminary Report”, BAAL, 4, p. 75-122.
—————2001, “Third Season of Excavation at Sidon: Preliminary Report”, BAAL, 5, p.153-172. “A Ram’s Head Handle from Sidon”, AHL, 2001, p. 9-16.
—————2002, “New Excavations at Sidon”, in Petite villes côtières historiques: développement urbain équilibré entre terre, mer et société. Actes du Séminaire international, Saida, Liban, 28-31 mai 2001, UNESCO , Paris, p. 256-261.
—————2003, “Fourth Season of Excavation at Sidon: Preliminary Report”, BAAL, 6, p. 179-210.
—————2003a,“Jars from the Third Millennium BC at Sidon (South Lebanon): A Standardized production in the Emergence of an Urban Culture”, AHL, 17, p. 2-6.
—————2003b, “Excavating Sidon, 1998-2003”, AHL, 18, p. 2-19; also in C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek, (eds.) 2004, p. 102-123.
—————2003c, “Jars from the Second Millennium BC at Sidon: Child Burials or Deposited Goods in Graves”, AHL, 17, p. 7-16; also in C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek, (eds.) 2004, p. 132-135.
—————2003d, “Fifth Season of Excavation at Sidon: Preliminary Report”, BAAL, 7, p. 175-207.
—————2003e, “Weapons from the Middle Bronze Age Burials at Sidon”, AHL, 18, p. 38-57; also in C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek, (eds.) 2004, p. 154-179.
—————2004, “The Palm tree Motif in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age: Evidence from Sidon and Tell Rachidieh”, AHL, 19, p. 34-43.
—————2004a, “Sidon: A Jar with Fish or Dolphin Decoration”, AHL, 19, p. 106-109. —————2004b, “Sidon (Lebanon): Twenty Middle Bronze Age Burials from the 2001 Season of Excavation”, Levant, 36, p. 89-154.
—————2004c, “Warrior Burial 27 at Sidon”, AHL, 20, p. 21-29.
—————2004d, “Sixth and seventh Seasons of Excavation at Sidon. Preliminary Report”, BAAL, 8, p. 51-53.
—————2006,“Sidon: A Mud Brick Building at the Close of the Third Millennium BC”, AHL, 24, p. 4-17.
—————2006a, “Sidon: Mediterranean Contacts in the Early and Middle Bronze Age, Preliminary Report”, AHL, 24, p. 34-47.
—————2006b, Eighth and Ninth Season of Excavation (2006-2007) at Sidon- Preliminary Report, BAAL, 10, p. 131-168.
—————2007, “Sidon. Carrefour de l’Orient il y a 5000 ans ”, Les dossiers d’archéologie, no 13, novembre 2007, p. 34-45.
—————2008, “The British Museum Excavation at Sidon: Markers for the Chronology of the Early and Middle Bronze Age in Lebanon”, in M. Bietak and E. Czerny (eds.) The Bronze Age in the Lebanon, Studies on the Archaeology and Chronology of Lebanon, Syria and Egypt, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie, Band L, Wien, p. 11-44.
———————- 2008a, “Un dépôt de l’âge du Fer tardif à Sidon”, in D’Ougarit à Jerusalem, Recueil d’études épigraphiques et archéologiques, offert à Pierre Bordreuil,( ed.) C. Roche, Orient & Méditerranée, Paris, p. 73-80.
———————- 2009, “Second Millennium BC Levantine Ceremonial Feasts: Sidon, a Case Study”, Interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean, Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages, Proceedings in the Eastern Mediterranean, Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages, Proceedings of the International Symposium Beirut 2008, Hors-Série VI, p. 229-244.
———————- 2009a, “The Northern Levant at the end of the Early Bronze age: The Evidence from Sidon”, in The Levant in Transition, P. Parr, (ed.), PEF Annual IX, p. 21-33.
——————— 2009b, “Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Season of Excavation (2008-2010) at Sidon”, BAAL, 13, p. 7-69.
———————- 2009c, “New Cylinder Seal Impressions from Sidon”, AHL, 29, p. 2-10.
———————- 2010, “Sidon”, Reallexikon der Assyriologie une Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, Begründet von E. Ebeling und B. Meissner, Berlin, New York, p. 455-458.
—————2011, “Sidon, une ville célèbre de la côte levantine”, L’archéothema, 15 juillet-août, p. 75-79.
—————2011-2012, “Sidon’s Guardian Spirits”, AHL,“And Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn…” A Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th birthday”, 34-35, p. 1-6.
—————2011-2012a, “A Decorated Box from Sidon”, AHL,“And Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn…A Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th birthday”, 34-35, p. 93-103.
—————2011-2012b, “Tell el-Yahudieh Ware in Sidon”, AHL,“And Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn…A Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th birthday”, 34-35, p. 139-153.
—————2012, “Culte et rituel à Sidon dans l’Antiquité”, in Fascination du Liban, soixante siècles d’histoire de religions, d’art et d’archéologie, ouvrage publié à l’occasion de l’exposition présentée au Musée Rath de Genève du 30 novembre 2012 au 31 mars 2013, Genève, p. 21-27.
—————2012 a, “Sidon : “faire brûler l’encens”, in Fascination du Liban, soixante siècles d’histoire de religions, d’art et d’archéologie, op. cit., p. 51-53.
—————2013, (forthcoming) “Tracing Sidon’s Mediterranean Networks in the Second Millennium BC: Receiving, Transmitting and Assimilating. Twelve Years of British Museum Excavations”, in J. Aruz, S. Graff, and Y. Rakic (eds.) Cultures in Contact: From Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the Second Millennium BC, Yale.
—————2013a, (forthcoming), “Cult and Ritual over the Centuries on ‘College site’: a Highlight on the Middle Bronze Age and a Reflection on Changes in Sidon’s Social Order”, Cult and Ritual in Lebanon, 2012, BAAL.
—————2014, (forthcoming), “Thirteenth and fourteenth Season of Excavation (2011-2012) at Sidon, Preliminary Report”, BAAL.
—————2014a, (forthcoming) “Un nouveau temple phénicien à Sidon”, CRAI.
—————2014b, (forthcoming), “A new cylinder seal S/5882/6144 from Sidon”.
—————(Forthcoming) Tübingen, “Mortuary Practices in Sidon in the Middle Bronze Age: A Reflection on Sidonian Society in the Second Millennium BC”, in P. Pfälzner, H. Niehr, E. Pernicka, S. Lange, T. Köster (eds.) Contextualising Grave Inventories in the Ancient Near East, Proceedings of the Second and Third International Symposium of the Tübingen Post-Graduate School, “Symbols of the Dead” at the London 7 ICAANE in April 2010 and in Tübingen in November 2010, Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant, Vienna.
Doumet-Serhal & D. Griffiths, 2003, “Middle Bronze Age Jars from Lebanon: A Comparison according to Vessel Capacities”, AHL, 17, p. 38-41.
Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek (eds.) 2004, A Decade of Archaeology and History in the Lebanon, Beirut.
Doumet-Serhal, D. Griffiths, E. Vila, C. Yazbeck, 2006, The Early Bronze Age in Sidon, “College Site” Excavations (1998-2000-2001), Institut Français du Proche-Orient, Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique, T. 178, Beyrouth.
Doumet-Serhal, with contributions by N. Coldstream, V. Karageorghis & B. Sparkes 2006 b, “Preliminary Report on the Iron Age at Sidon: British Museum Excavations, 2003-2004”, AHL, 23, p. 2-19.
Doumet-Serhal, with contributions from A. R. Ogden, E. Vila and W. Van Neer, 2007, “Three burials with silver artefacts from the Middle Bronze Age I/II A at Sidon: British Museum Excavations”, MUSJ, 59, p. 29-48.
Doumet-Serhal, V. Karageorgis, H. Loffet, N. Coldstream, 2008, “The Kingdom of Sidon and its Mediterranean Connections”, Networking Patterns of the Bronze And Iron Age Levant, The Lebanon and its Mediterranean Connections, On the occasion of the symposium “Interconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages”, 4-9 November 2008, Beirut, C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate and A. Resek (eds.) Beirut, p. 1-70.
Doumet-Serhal & D. Griffith, 2008a, “Bronze Artefacts from Burial 42 at Sidon”, AHL, 26-27, H. Mullins, (ed.) Inside the Levantine Maze, Archaeological and Historical Studies Presented to J.-P.Thalmann on the Occasion of his sixtieth Birthday, p. 194-203.
Doumet-Serhal & K. Kopetzky, 2011-2012, “Sidon and Tell el-Dab’a: Two cities-one story, A Highlight on Metal Artefacts from the Middle Bronze Age Graves”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn… A Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 9-52.
Doumet-Serhal & M. Williams, 2011-2012, “Sidon Holy of Holies: The Late Bronze Age Underground Cella”, AHL, And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn…A Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 297-308; 309-371.
Doumet-Serhal & J. Chahoud, 2013,”A Middle Bronze Age temple in Sidon -Ritual and communal feasting” in O. Loretz et al., (eds.) Ritual, Religion and Reason. Studies in the Ancient World (Alter Orient und Altes Testament series), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster, p. 30-60.
Finkel, 2006, “Report on the Sidon Cuneiform Tablet” AHL, 24, p. 114-120.
Forstner-Müller, K. Kopetzky & C. Doumet-Serhal, 2006, “Egyptian Pottery of the Late 12th and early 13th Dynasty from Sidon”, AHL, 24, p. 52-59.
Forstner-Müller & K. Kopetzky, 2006, “An Upper Egyptian Import at Sidon”, AHL, 24, p. 60-62.
Frost, 2000, “Installations on the Ancient Offshore Anchorage at Sidon (the rock island of Zire)”, NMN, 10, p. 69-73.
Griffiths, 1999, “The Role of Ceramic Fabric Analysis in the 1998 Sidon Excavations”, NMN, 10, p. 49-55.
—————2003, “Petrographic Analysis of MBA Burial Jars from Sidon”, AHL, 17, p. 17-21; also in C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek (eds.) 2004, Beirut, p. 136-143.
—————2004, “The Fabric of a Ceramic Jar from Sidon Decorated with Fish or Dolphins”, AHL, 19, p. 10-117.
—————2006, “Analysis of Egyptian Faience Vessel Fragments Excavated in Sidon in 2005”, AHL, 24, p. 129-137.
—————2011-2012, “A Cylindrical Gold Pendant from a Middle Bronze Age Grave in Sidon”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 60-67.
—————2011-2012a, “Petrographic Analysis of Tell el-Yahudieh Ceramics”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday, 34-35, p. 154-162.
Griffiths & M. Ownby, 2006, “Assessing the Occurrence of Egyptian Marl C Ceramics in Middle Bronze Age Sidon”, AHL, 24, p. 63-77.
Gleba & D. Griffiths, 2011-2012, Textile Remains from a Middle Bronze Age Burial in Sidon, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 285-296.
Griffiths & J. Merkel, 2011-2012, “A Gold and Iron Finger Ring from a Middle Bronze Age Grave in Sidon”, AHL,” And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 53-59.
Griffiths & C. Lau Shin Yee, 2011-2012, “Observations on the Ceramic Fabrics”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 383-384.
Gubel & H. Loffet, 2011-2012, “Sidon, Qedem and the Land of Iay”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 79-92.
Haider, 2011-2012, “Fragments of an Attic Vase with Procession Scene from the College Site Excavation in Sidon”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 389-398.
—————2013, Greek Pottery from the British Museum Excavations (College Site) in Sidon: Aspects of Greek Influence on Phoenician Culture and Society, PhD, University of Rome, La Sapienza.
Karageorghis, 2011-2012, “Mycenaean, Cypriote and Related Material”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 372-382.
Karageorghis & C. Doumet-Serhal, 2006, “Sidon: Les fouilles du British Museum de 1998 à 2005 ”, CRAI, 2006, janvier-mars, p. 307-331.
Karageorghis, 2008, “An Inscribed Late Minoan III Stirrup Jar from Sidon”, C. Doumet-Serhal, V. Karageorgis, H. Loffet & N. Coldstream, 2008, “The Kingdom of Sidon and its Mediterranean Connections”, Networking Patterns of the Bronze And Iron Age Levant, The Lebanon and its Mediterranean Connections, On the occasion of the symposium “Inteconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages”, 4-9 November 2008, Beirut, C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek (eds.) Beirut, p. 32-33.
Karageorghis & C. Doumet-Serhal, 2009, “Sidon and the Aegean : notes on recent discoveries”, in D. Danielidou (ed.), ΔΩΡΟΝ. Τιμητικóς τóμος για τον Καθηγητń Σπύρο Ιακωβίδη, Athens, p. 329-359.
Kopetzky, 2011-2012, The Egyptian Corpus of Middle Bronze Age Layers of Sidon, AHL and Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday, 34-35, p. 163-172. G. Leroux, A. Véron, C. Scholtz, C. Doumet-Serhal, 2003, “Analyses on Weapons from the Middle Bronze Age in Sidon”, AHL, 18, p. 58-61.
Leroux, A. Véron, C. Scholtz, 2009, “Metal and Pb Isotope Analyses on Weapons from the Bronze Ages in Sidon”, AHL, 29, p. 75-78.
Ch. Loffet, 2002, “The Sidon Scarab no 2073/523”, BAAL, 6, p. 208-209.
—————2003, “Examination of Several Scarabs from Sidon 2002 Season of Excavation”, AHL , 18, p. 26-30; also C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek (eds.) 2004, Beirut, p. 146-152.
—————2006, “The Sidon Scaraboid S/3487”, AHL, 24, p. 78-85.
—————2008, “Sidon Scarabs (2006 College site Excavations)”, C. Doumet-Serhal, V. Karageorgis, H. Loffet, N. Coldstream, 2008, “The Kingdom of Sidon and its Mediterranean Connections”, Networking Patterns of the Bronze And Iron Age Levant, The Lebanon and its Mediterranean Connections, On the occasion of the symposium “Inteconnections in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron Ages”, 4-9 November 2008, Beirut, C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek (eds.) Beirut, p. 20-23.
—————2009, “A propos a Talismanic Sidonian Scaraboid and the God Horan”, AHL , 29, p. 46-55.
—————2011-2012, “The Sidon Scarabs”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 104-138.
A. Mac Gillivray 2003, “A Middle Minoan Cup from Sidon”, AHL, 18, p. 20-24; also C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek (eds.) 2004, p. 124-131.
—————2004a “Animal Bone Deposit under Sidon’s Minoan Cup: C14 Analysis”, AHL, p. 20, 60,
—————2008 “The Minoan Sidon Cup”, in M. Bietak & E. Czerny (eds.) The Bronze Age in the Lebanon, Studies on the Archaeology and Chronology of Lebanon, Syria and Egypt, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie, band L, Wien, p. 44-49.
—————2011-2012, “A Minoan Jar Fragment from Sidon”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 7-8.
Marée, 2006, “A Jar from Sidon with the name of Pharaoh Tawosret”, AHL, 24, p. 121-128.
Mommsen, 2006, “Neutron Activation Analysis. Where was the dolphin jar made?”, AHL, 24, p. 48-51. S. Moorhead & B. Cook, 2011-2012, “The Coins from the Excavation at Sidon”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 399-405.
Ch. Mlinar, 2004, “Sidon. Scarabs Found in the 2001 Season of Excavation: an Update”, AHL, 18, p. 26-30.
—————2004a,“Scarabs from Sidon 2002 Season of Excavation: Additional Notes”, C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek (eds.) 2004, Beirut, p. 153.
—————2009, “Scarabs from Sidon”, AHL, 29, p. 23-45.
Ogden, 2004, “Sidon, Burial 27. Skeletal Report”, AHL, 20, p. 30. “Burials Excavated at Sidon, 2001-2003”, AHL, 20, p. 58-50.
Ogden, et al., 2011-2012, “Human Remains from Twelve Years of Excavation in Sidon, Lebanon”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 226-235.
Ogden, & H. Schutkowski 2004, “Skeletal Report for the British Museum Sidon Excavation (2001 Season)”, Levant, 36, p. 159-166. M. Ownby & D. Griffiths, 2009, “The Petrographic Analysis of Beach Sand from Sidon to Determine its Utility for Ceramic Provenance Studies”, AHL, 29, p. 56-67.
Pearson & W. Matthews, 2011-2012, “Preliminary Soil Micromorphological Analysis of Samples from Sidon, Lebanon”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 192-212.
Ch. Ramsey & C. Doumet-Serhal, 2006, “Carbon 14 Analysis from a New Early Bronze Age III building at Sidon”, AHL, 24, p. 18-22.
Schutkowski & A. Ogden, 2011-2012, “Sidon of the Plain, Sidon of the Sea-Reflections on Middle Bronze Age Diet in the Eastern Mediterranean”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 213-225.
H. Taylor, 2004, “Scarabs from the Bronze Age tombs at Sidon (Lebanon)”, Levant, 36, p. 155-158.
Van Neer, 2006, “Bronze Age Fish Remains from Sidon”, AHL, 24, p. 86-95. A. Véron, A. Poirier & G. Leroux, 2004, “ Provenance of Silver Artefacts from Burial 27 at Sidon”, AHL, 20, p. 34-38.
A.Véron, A.Poirier & G. Leroux, 2009, “Lead Isotopes Reveal the Origin of Middle Bronze Age Artefacts found in Sidon (Burial 42) ”, AHL, 29, p. 68-74.
Véron, G. Leroux, A. Poirier & D. Baque, 2011-2012, “Origin of Copper used in Bronze Artefacts from Middle Bronze Age Burials in Sidon: A Synthesis from Lead Isotope Imprints and Chemical Analyses”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 68-78.
Vila, 2003, “Animal Bone Deposits under Sidon’s Minoan Cup”, AHL, 18, p. 25; also C. Doumet-Serhal, A. Rabate & A. Resek (eds.) Beirut, p. 128-129.
—————2004, Survey of the Remains of Mammals Recovered in the Middle Bronze Age Burials at Sidon (Lebanon)”, Levant, 36, p. 167-180.
—————2004a, “Note on the Skeletal Remains from Warrior Burial 27 at Sidon (Faunal Material)”, AHL, 20, p. 31-33.
—————2006, “Remains of the Fauna from the Middle Bronze Age Burials of Sidon: Burials 28 to 55”, AHL, 24, p. 96-105. S. Walker, 2009, “Sidon 2007. A Marble Statuette of Aphrodite Anadyomene”, AHL, 29, p. 84-86.
Williams, 2014a, (forthcoming), “Late Chalcolithc/Early Bronze Age I Structures from the 2012 Season at Sidon college Site”, BAAL.
Yazbeck, 2006, “The Early Bronze Age Industries of Sidon (“College Site” Excavations), in C. Doumet-Serhal, D. Griffiths, E. Vila & C. Yazbeck, The Early Bronze Age in Sidon, “College Site” Excavations (1998-2000-2001), Institut Français du Proche-Orient, Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique, T. 178, Beyrouth, p. 291-300.
—————2011-2012, “Chipped Stone Tools from the Middle Bronze Age Settlement in Sidon. College Site Excavations 2000-2002”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 173-191.
Zaven, 2011-2012, “The Early Roman Glass Vessels from the Sidon 2009 Season of Excavation”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 406-414. Harbour and coring program
Carayon, 2003, “L’île de Ziré à Saida: nouvelles données archéologiques”, AHL, 18, p. 95-114.
Carayon, C. Morhange & N. Marriner, 2011-2012, “Sidon’s Ancient Harbour : Natural Characteristics and Hazards”, AHL, “And Canaan begat Sidon his Firstborn, a Tribute to Dr. John Curtis on his 65th Birthday”, 34-35, p. 433-459.
Espic, C. Morhange, M. Bourcier, C. Bruzzi, T. Nammour & C. Doumet -Serhal, 2002, “Les ports antiques de Sidon: nouvelles données paléoenvironnementales”, AHL , A tribute to Z. Beydoun, 15, p. 28-36.
J.-P. Goiran & C. Morhange, 2003, “Géoarchéologie des ports antiques de Méditerranée”, TOPOI, 11, p. 645-667.
Le Roux, A. Véron & C. Morhange, 2002, “Caractérisation géochimique de l’anthropisation dans le port antique de Sidon”, AHL , A tribute to Z. Beydoun, 15, p. 37-41.
Le Roux, A. Véron & C. Morhange, 2003, “Geochemical Evidences of Early Anthropogenic Activity in Harbour Sediments from Sidon”, AHL, 18, p. 115-119.
Marriner, J.-L. de Beaulieu & C. Morhange, 2003, “Note on the Vegetation Landscapes of Sidon and Tyre during Antiquity”, AHL , 18, p. 86-91.
Marriner & C. Morhange, 2005, “Under the City Centre, the Ancient Harbours of Tyre and Sidon: a Heritage to Preserve”, Journal of Cultural Heritage , 6, p. 183-189.
Marriner & C. Morhange, 2006, “The ‘Ancient Harbour Parasequence ’Anthropogenic Forcing of the Stratigraphic Highstand Record”, Sedimentary Geology, 186, p. 13-17.
Marriner, C. Morhange, C. Doumet-Serhal & P. Carbonel, 2006, “Geoscience Rediscovers Phoenicia’s Buried Harbours”, Geology, 34, 1, p. 1-4.
Marriner, C. Morhange & C. Doumet-Serhal, 2006, “Geoarchaeology of Sidon’s Ancient Harbours, Phoenicia”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 33, 11, p. 1514-1535.
Morhange, J.-L. de Beaulieu, M. Bourcier, P. Carbonel, Ch. Oberlin, H. Frost & C. Doumet-Serhal, 1998-1999, “Etude des paléoenvironnements du port de Sidon depuis 4000 ans, résultats préliminaires de la mission de carottages du British Museum de 1998”, BAAL , 3, p. 225-243.
Morhange, O. Dubuquoy, N. Prunet, E. Ribes, J.-L. de Beaulieu, M. Bourcier, P. Carbonel, C. Oberlin & C. Doumet-Serhal, 2000, “Etude paléoenvironnementale du port antique de Sidon, premiers résultats du programme CEDRE”, Méditerranée, 1-2, p. 91-100.
Morhange, O. Dubuquoy, N. Prunet, J.-L. de Beaulieu, M. Bourcier, P. Carbonel, J. Le Campion, Ch. Oberlin & H. Frost, 2000, “Nouvelles données paléoenvironnementales sur le port antique de Sidon, proposition de datation”, NMN, 10, p. 42-48.
Morhange, 2001, Mobilité littorale de quelques sites portuaires antiques de Méditerranée, Marseille, Pouzzoles, Cumes, Kition et Sidon. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Provence, CEREGE, 2 vols.
Morhange, K. Espic, C. Bruzzi, M. Bourcier, Ch. Oberlin & C. Doumet- Serhal, 2002, “Nouvelles données sédimentologiques sur les milieux portuaires antiques de Sidon (campagne CEDRE 2000)”, A.CO.PA.H, Associacion para la Conservacion del Patrimonio Historico, 10, p. 15-19.
Morhange, K. Espic, C. Doumet-Serhal, M. Bourcier & P. Carbonel, 2003, “Ancient Harbours of Sidon, Attempt at a Synthesis (1998-2002)”, AHL, 18, p. 71-81.
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Morhange, C. Doumet-Serhal & J. Viret, 2004, “Le port antique de Sidon”, in Antoine Poidebard photographe et aviateur, une aventure archéologique, F. Denise & L. Nordiguian (eds.) Editions Parenthèses, p. 312-313.
Morhange & M. Saghieh-Beydoun (eds.) 2005, “La mobilité des paysages portuaires antiques du Liban”, BAAL, hors-série 2.
Morhange, N. Marriner & J.-P. Goiran, 2005, “Coastal Geoarchaeology of the Mediterranean, Géoarchéologie des littoraux méditerranéens”, in C. Morhange, J.-P. Goiran & N. Marriner (eds.) Mediterranean coastline Geoarchaeology, Environnements littoraux méditerranéens, Méditerranée, 1-2, p. 3-4.
Morhange, K. Espic, M. Boudagher-Fadel & C. Doumet-Serhal, 2005, “Les paléoenvironnements du port Nord de Sidon, tentative de synthèse”, BAAL, Hors-Série 2, p. 135-144.
Morhange & M. Saghieh-Beydoun, 2005, “Etude géoarchéologique de quatre ports antiques du Liban (Byblos, Beyrouth, Sidon et Tyr), résultats des programmes franco-libanais CEDRE, UNESCO et de l’IUF”, BAAL, hors-série 2, p. 7-15.
Morhange, P. A. Pirazzoli, N. Marriner, L. F. Montaggioni & T. Nammour, 2006, “Late Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes in Lebanon, Eastern Mediterranean” , Marine Geology, 230, p. 99-114.
Marriner & Ch. Morhange, 2006, “Sidon’s Ancient Harbours”, AHL, 24, p. 138-149.
Ribes, D. Borschneck, C. Morhange & A. Sandler, 2003, “Recherche sur l’origine des argiles du bassin portuaire antique de Sidon”, AHL, 18, p. 82-94.